Introduction: What is Regenerative Agriculture?
Regenerative agriculture is emerging as a pivotal approach to farming, gaining prominence for its potential to address sustainability challenges in the face of climate change and a burgeoning global population. In this blog, we will look at the significance of regenerative agriculture and explore how data analytics tools can propel it into a new era of efficiency and sustainability.
So, what does regenerative agriculture mean? Regenerative agriculture involves farming practices that restore and enhance soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. The term itself was first used by the Rodale Institute in the 1980s. According to one of its proponents, Gabe Brown regenerative agriculture not only fixes farming, but also the farming business model.
Regenerative agriculture is seen as an essential means of reducing or mitigating GHG emissions. Other benefits of regenerative agriculture are said to include more nutritious food, healthier rural culture, and enabling smallholder growers worldwide to feed themselves and the rest of us.
Principles and Practices of Regenerative Farming
Agriculture, perhaps more than any other industry, finds itself on both sides of the climate change equation – being both a source of GHG emissions, as well as a potential means to sequester carbon.
Regenerative farming doesn’t have a singular definition, as outlined in the comprehensive review by Schreefel and colleagues in the 2020 publication of the Global Food Security journal. A recent study on UK farmers revealed encouraging trends: over 60% demonstrated a keen awareness, with more than 30% actively adopting highly sustainable soil management practices, particularly among mixed and arable farmers. Notably, an overwhelming 92% of respondents identified themselves as practitioners of sustainable soil management.
Regenerative agriculture, while lacking a universally accepted definition encompasses several regenerative farming practices worth noting:
- Avoiding or limiting plowing or soil disturbance, to maintain the soil structure and fertility;
- Covering the soil surface with a plant or organic cover through cover crops to prevent soil erosion and water loss;
- Keeping live roots in the soil, to feed the beneficial microorganisms that contribute to plant and soil health;
- Using crop rotations. This means growing a variety of crops, to increase biodiversity and resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses;
- The integration of livestock in arable rotations. This includes ruminants as well as allowing chickens, pigs, geese, and ducks to pasture freely. Manure will supplement the nutrient cycle and improve forage quality.
The Role of Agriculture Analytics in Modern Farming
Analysis shows that growers combine practices in diverse ways and that growers do not always follow the full set of regenerative agriculture principles of reduced soil disturbance, soil cover, and crop diversity.
As we face the dual challenges of feeding a growing population and mitigating the impacts of climate change, regenerative agriculture stands out as a beacon of hope. The emphasis on improving soil health, reducing environmental impact, and fostering resilient ecosystems aligns seamlessly with the urgent need for sustainable agricultural practices.
Data Analytics: A Critical Path to Regenerative Agriculture
The emergence of agricultural data analytics marks a significant difference in the way we approach farming. It marks a shift towards more sustainable and regenerative farming systems by dramatically improving decision-making in real-time. This leads to increased productivity, reduced costs, and diminished environmental impact.
Regenerative agriculture is not one size fits all. The best combination of practices might vary depending on the production environments, as crops, soil, and climate vary across space. Identifying the best practice for a specific location is challenging and often involves an iterative experimental process of trial and error. Over time, adopting regenerative practice improves soil health, and in some cases, also contributes to higher yields (i.e. van-Es and Karlen, 2019 SSSA journal).
The efficiency of this process can be accelerated and become more efficient when digital tools are used to plan, collect, and analyze the results. These tools enable efficient trial management and transparency in project and experiment stages. On top of the clear benefits of data preservation, once big data is accumulated, trends and models can be generated to explore and identify what practice works where.
Carbon capture is a crucial aspect of regenerative farming, and the emergence of carbon markets and offsetting may provide an additional income stream for some regenerative growers. However accurate and independent data on soil carbon and farm practices are needed to make these markets operational.
Remote sensing can play a crucial role by monitoring practices such as tillage, at scale. The ability to do efficient crop scouting at scale can help growers apply an adaptive approach to crop protection, and reduce routine crop protection applications. Remote sensing can aid in identifying irrigation problems and inefficiencies, reducing the field water footprint. Beyond merely monitoring crop growth, it plays a crucial role in crop protection, detecting early signs of disease, pest infestations, or nutrient deficiencies.
This technology not only enables targeted interventions, ensuring timely and effective treatment but also minimizes the carbon footprint and environmental impact associated with these practices. Additionally, remote sensing offers a scientifically based measuring system that helps verify the environmental credentials of crops grown for supply chain.
Finally, collecting data in a digital, standardized way enables data sharing between different stakeholders, learning from the experience of peers, or allowing comparison between different geographies and crops.
A recent USDA blog post emphasized the role of big data in improving farm incomes and helping the environment. Data analytics not only facilitates a better understanding and application of agricultural practices but also identifies areas for improvement. This is essential for achieving sustainability goals in agriculture.
Data Helps to Understand Agriculture’s Environmental Impact
The limitations of traditional data collection methods become clear when seeking a global and scalable view of agriculture’s impact on the environment. Data will be central to scaling up regenerative agriculture. Regenerative agriculture is not a return to traditional farming practices but is reliant on technology including data science.
Data helps growers and other stakeholders better understand agriculture’s impact on the environment and is critical to enabling progress and adopting new regenerative practices on farms. We can only capture the necessary data globally and at scale through advanced data analytics, generating accessible datasets crucial for informed decision-making.
The Agmatix platform suite offers analytic tools to run pilots and trials in the field, adjust crop nutrient inputs and manage recommended regenerative pratices which play a pivotal role in overcoming these challenges. By facilitating granular data capture and defining key indicators of regenerative agriculture on a large scale, these tools empower growers and agronomists to make more informed decisions.
Agriculture Analytics Enables Regenerative Ag Decision-making
Granular data capture and agriculture data analytics are just the beginning; machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can take regenerative agriculture a step further by enabling predictive modeling and broader insights. These technologies provide actionable information that supports decision-making at various stages of the farming process.
Predictive analytics allows us to look at ‘what if’ scenarios. For example, they could allow us to understand and identify supply chain constraints before they become a market issue. By analyzing the impacts of sourcing different crop products buyers can identify the most sustainable crop products within their specific supply chain. Predictive analytics can also optimize resource usage or crop management. By analyzing historical data, weather patterns, and soil conditions, these tools can recommend precise interventions, reducing waste and maximizing yields. These advances are instrumental in the pursuit of regenerative agriculture goals.
Agmatix and AgTech for Regenerative Agriculture
Agmatix emerges as a key player in the realm of agtech for regenerative agriculture, offering solutions that enable a deep understanding of product sustainability. The platform’s features, such as Digital Crop Advisor, empower agronomists to collaborate with growers to optimize crop nutrition plans. This collaborative approach is crucial in addressing the complex challenges of regenerative agriculture and fostering partnerships between the public and private sectors.
Agmatix’s RegenIQ framework, in particular, opens up avenues to explore recommended regenerative ag practices and nutritional inputs. This flexibility allows for a tailored approach to regenerative agriculture, in keeping with the lack of consensus on a definition and acknowledging the diversity of landscapes, crops, and farming practices.
Fostering Collaboration for Sustainable Agriculture
The journey towards regenerative agriculture requires collaboration on a global scale. Agmatix, by fostering collaboration across the food supply value chain, contributes to the creation of a sustainable and regenerative agricultural ecosystem. The Agmatix platform allows for the easy and secure sharing of data between partners. The exchange of knowledge, data, and best practices becomes essential in overcoming the challenges faced by the agricultural sector.
Data analytics technology in agriculture is a linchpin in the journey towards regenerative agriculture. By overcoming the limitations of traditional data collection methods, advanced technologies pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient farming future.
Agmatix’s data analytics tools, including Agronomic Trial Management, Digital Crop Advisor, and the Sustainability Center which powers the RegenIQ framework all play a crucial role in this transformation, offering growers and agronomists the insights needed to make informed decisions and contribute to the global effort for a more sustainable and regenerative agricultural sector.
As we navigate the complexities of agriculture’s transition to sustainability, the integration of data analytics technology becomes not just a choice but a necessity for a thriving and resilient future.