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Regenerative Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

In an era when environmental and social concerns are taking center stage, the agri-food sector is faced with a profound challenge – how to sustainably grow and source food in a fair and equitable way and at the same time regenerate the planet to ensure we can keep doing so.

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The Challenge

It is imperative for companies to act now to address the challenge of sustainably growing and sourcing food in a fair and equitable manner. This requires optimizing systems by integrating the right regenerative agricultural practices. These practices must ensure yield and farmer livelihoods while reducing climate impact and increasing water efficiency, biodiversity, and soil health outcomes.

Agmatix believes in an outcomes-based approach to regenerative agriculture that prioritizes the most impactful practices and efforts based on the local context. Working within this broad regenerative framework, Agmatix has developed RegenIQ to adapt to local conditions, ensuring a globally consistent yet locally adapted approach.

Collect and manage ground-truth data
Collect and manage ground-truth data
The first and often overlooked step. Growers are stretched thin, making scalable data collection challenging. Our tools leverage mobile technology, key agronomist support, and remote sensing to overcome this challenge.
Orchestrate pilots and trials
Orchestrate pilots and trials
Pilots and trials are hard to manage and often done in isolation. Our solution provides instant trial results and enables cross-trial analysis to determine real impact.
Track and provide visibility
Track and provide visibility
Tracking supply chains across multiple suppliers and regions is challenging. However, by effectively standardizing data and utilizing API integration from multiple sources, it can be achieved.
Power insights and reporting
Power insights and reporting
Once quality data is collected, machine learning and Gen AI generate real, actionable insights for companies, agronomists, and growers, while also streamlining reporting.
Enable agronomic decisions
Enable agronomic decisions
Real time agronomic advice at scale is paramount. By using ground-truth data, we enable agronomic support at the field-level.
Optimize regenerative agriculture
Optimize regenerative agriculture
Many regenerative agriculture frameworks are generic. By maintaining a globally consistent framework that adapts to local conditions, we can drive real regenerative outcomes through targeted efforts.

Our Solutions

Recognizing that data is integral to solving this challenge, Agmatix has developed Axiom, our advanced technology core for managing agronomic and sustainability data. This technology supports the collection, measurement, and analysis of regenerative agriculture practices through our adaptive framework, RegenIQ.

Our aim is to enable the agri-food sector to transform this challenge into opportunities for positive change. With our comprehensive set of solutions—including Trial Management, Digital Crop Advisor, and the Sustainability Center—companies can navigate the complexities of the moment and bring about positive change to sustainably grow food while regenerating the planet.

Collect and manage ground-truth data - +


The first and often overlooked step. Growers are stretched thin, making scalable data collection challenging. Our tools leverage mobile technology, key agronomist support, and remote sensing to overcome this challenge.

Orchestrate pilots and trials - +


Pilots and trials are hard to manage and often done in isolation. Our solution provides instant trial results and enables cross-trial analysis to determine real impact.

Track and provide visibility - +

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Tracking supply chains across multiple suppliers and regions is challenging. However, by effectively standardizing data and utilizing API integration from multiple sources, it can be achieved.

Power insights and reporting - +


Once quality data is collected, machine learning and Gen AI generate real, actionable insights for companies, agronomists, and growers, while also streamlining reporting.

Enable agronomic decisions - +

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Real time agronomic advice at scale is paramount. By using ground-truth data, we enable agronomic support at the field-level.

Optimize regenerative agriculture - +

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Many regenerative agriculture frameworks are generic. By maintaining a globally consistent framework that adapts to local conditions, we can drive real regenerative outcomes through targeted efforts.

Our Sustainability Solutions

Implement a scientifically-based, adaptive framework for field-level regenerative agriculture

Enhance crop nutrition with ground truth data and minimize carbon footprints through agronomic recommendations

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Seek Inspiration and Expand Your Knowledge

The RegenIQ Framework

An adaptive regenerative agriculture framework to assess the impact of practices at field level, validated with ground truth data.